GlobalSign SSL
From WHMCS Documentation
This module automates SSL ordering and configuration with the GlobalSign platform.
Available Certificate Types
- Alpha SSL - This product is referenced as the DV_LOW. It is our low end domain validated certificate and known to our resellers as AlphaSSL. This product can only be purchased in standard or wildcard options, 1-5 year validity periods. None of the other options can be used with this product
- Domain SSL - This product is referenced as DV in the product codes. This product can also be ordered without having to generate a CSR on the end user side, and would then be referenced by the DV_SKIP product code. To our resellers, these two products are known as DomainSSL and DomainSSL with Auto-CSR .
- Organizational SSL - This product is referenced as OV in the product codes. This product can also be ordered without having to generate a CSR on the end user side, and would then be referenced by the OV_SKIP product codes. To our resellers, these two products are known as OrganizationalSSL and OrganizationalSSL with Auto-CSR. Both of these product codes can be ordered as not only a standard and wildcard option, but also as a globalip option.
- Extended SSL - This product is referenced as EV in the product codes. This product is known to our resellers as the ExtendedSSL. This product can be ordered as only a standard and globalip option, NOT as a wildcard option.
The Order Process
In WHMCS, the SSL certificate order process is as follows:
- The product is ordered and paid for by the customer with the regular order process and no configuration of the certificate
- When the product is activated, the email template SSL Certificate Configuration Required is sent to the customer with a link back to the WHMCS client area where they must go to configure the certificate
- At the configuration page, the user is asked for their server type, the CSR, the admin details to assign the certificate and the email address they want the verification email sent to
- Once completed, the certificate is delivered via email to the chosen admin address
At no point in the process does your customer ever leave your WHMCS site. Everything is handled automatically through WHMCS.
Configuring a Product
- Begin by going to Setup > Products/Services
- Create a new product with type Other and the name of the Certificate you want to offer
- Click Create to be taken to the full product configuration screen
- Set the description and other options as desired but leave the Welcome Email set to None
- Pricing should be set to one time as renewals cannot be processed
- Next, switch to the Module Settings tab and choose Globalsignssl in the Module dropdown
- Now the GlobalSign product options will appear where you'll be asked to enter your GlobalSign username & password, choose the certificate product code, base option & validity period this product is for
- In the automation choices, you can choose you're preferred action and this determines when the configuration email link is sent - it can be instantly on payment or only when you have reviewed and manually accepted the new order
- Once complete, click Save Changes
Year Selections
- A configurable option can be setup to offer different validity period options for the customer to choose from on a single product
- To do this, setup a Configurable Option Group in the normal way with an option name of "ValidityPeriod|Display Name Here" and options of the number of months you want to offer, eg 12, 24, 36, 48, 60
Test Mode
- To enable test mode, simply tick the Test Mode option in the Module Settings page of the product config