Clients:Billable Items Tab

From WHMCS Documentation

The Billable Items tab contains a list of all a client's invoiced and uninvoiced billable items. For more information, see Billable Items.

You can access this tab when you view a client's profile at Clients > View/Search Clients.

Client Billable Items Tab

Add Billable Item

Click to add a billable item to this client.

Add Time Billing Entries

Click to record time spent on any given task for which you will invoice the client at a later date once work has been completed.

Item Lists

When a Billable Item is first created it will be uninvoiced, when the specified conditions are met it will generate an invoice and will be moved to the invoiced items list.

Invoice Selected Items

If a client has one or more uninvoiced billable item, it is possible to force it to generate an invoice immediately - regardless of the conditions on the billable item itself.

Select the billable items to be invoiced using the corresponding checkboxes in the Uninvoiced Items list, then click Invoice Selected Items. An invoice will be generated with a due date of today.


To remove a billable item, select the entries to be removed using the corresponding checkboxes in the Uninvoiced Items list, then click Delete.