Testing WHMCS
This page details how to test a WHMCS installation before going live, then resetting it ready for production use.
Testing Modules
WHMCS shipped registrar and gateway modules come with, where possible, a test mode or the ability to use a test environment, that can be utilised to test transactions and domain orders. Referring to our documentation for the module being used will detail how test mode can be used. For example, with the eNom registrar module, this is detailed here: https://docs.whmcs.com/Enom#Test_Mode
An example of enabling test mode in the eNom module can be seen here:
When testing provisioning modules, there is no test mode required, however, it is advisable that all actions be reversed, as not only does this tidy things up, it tests that actions as well. An example of this would be provisioning a cPanel account on a remote server, then using the Terminate module command button to remove it.