Version 4.0 Release Notes
Release Information
- Version: 4.0.0 RC2
- Release Type: File & DB Update
- Release Date: 13th April 2009
This is the final test release before the stable V4 release.
You can view a full list of features, changes, tweaks and enhancements in the forum announcement @
Upgrade Steps
To upgrade your WHMCS System, simply follow the instructions below.
- Begin by taking a backup of your database through a tool such as phpMyAdmin
- Unzip the contents of the zip file download to a folder on your computer
- Remove the images/logo.jpg file to avoid overwriting your customised logo
- Upload the files to your existing installation folder overwriting any existing files
- Visit the admin area to access the upgrade script
- Accept the license agreement
- Confirm you have backed up your database and click the upgrade button
- Once the script finishes loading, delete the install folder
- Before the upgrade is completed, you must update your custom template with any new or changed template files
Template Changes
The following template files have changed from the previous release V3.8
- bulkdomainchecker.tpl
- bulkdomaintransfer.tpl
- clientareachangepw.tpl
- clientareachangesq.tpl
- clientareadomaindetails.tpl
- clientareadomainrenew.tpl
- clientareadomains.tpl
- clientareahome.tpl
- clientareainvoices.tpl
- clientareaproducts.tpl
- clientareaproductdetails.tpl
- domainchecker.tpl
- passwordreminder.tpl
- supportticketsubmit-steptwo.tpl
- upgrade.tpl
- upgradesummary.tpl
- viewinvoice.tpl
- viewticket.tpl
- All Order Form Templates
Points Affecting All Users
New Admin Area Design
The new admin area design is designed for a monitor resolution of width 1280 or larger. Smaller screens may have horizontal scrolling.
Move of Invoice PDF Template
As of version 4, the PDF template file used for invoices has been moved to the templates folder to make upgrading easier and prevent overwriting customisations in future. Therefore you need to move the the file includes/pdfconfig.php to your active custom template folder and rename to invoicepdf.tpl
Points Affecting Only Specific Users
As most Plesk users will be aware, the way Plesk handles their API is to make it not backwards compatable with updates. Therefore, you should only update to the Plesk module in V4 if you are running Plesk 9 for all your servers. If you are not, you will need to continue using the current module where creation of clients and domains should still work.
Quantum Gateway
In V4 we have implemented the MD5 hash verification in the Quantum Gateway callback file to prevent forged callback requests. Therefore, if you are a user of Quantum, you need to setup an MD5 hash in your Quantum Gateway account and enter this into your WHMCS install in Config > Payment Gateways > MD5 Hash.
Action Hooks
A new and more flexible hooks system has been introduced in Version 4 which now supports many more hook points and easier implementation of multiple hook addons via their own files. This does however mean existing hooks need modifying to work with the new version. If you use hooks then you need to copy the actionhooks.php file from includes/ to includes/hooks and add the following lines at the bottom of the file:
add_hook("AfterShoppingCartCheckout",0,"actionhook_ShoppingCartCheckout",""); add_hook("ClientAdd",0,"actionhook_ClientSignup",""); add_hook("ClientEdit",0,"actionhook_ClientDetailsEdit",""); add_hook("ClientLogin",0,"actionhook_ClientLogin",""); add_hook("ClientLogout",0,"actionhook_ClientLogout",""); add_hook("ClientDelete",0,"actionhook_ClientDelete",""); add_hook("InvoicePaid",0,"actionhook_InvoicePaid",""); add_hook("TicketOpen",0,"actionhook_TicketOpen",""); add_hook("TicketUserReply",0,"actionhook_TicketReply",""); add_hook("AfterModuleCreate",0,"actionhook_AfterModuleCreate",""); add_hook("AfterModuleSuspend",0,"actionhook_AfterModuleSuspend",""); add_hook("AfterModuleUnsuspend",0,"actionhook_AfterModuleUnsuspend",""); add_hook("AfterModuleTerminate",0,"actionhook_AfterModuleTerminate",""); add_hook("PreShoppingCartCheckout",0,"actionhook_PreShoppingCartCheckout","");
You need only add the ones you use.