Creating Pages

From WHMCS Documentation

Revision as of 00:44, 7 March 2008 by Matt (talk | contribs)

To add your own pages to the WHMCS system which utilise the WHMCS templating system, you may use the following code. This code is designed to work with files placed in the root whmcs directory.



require("dbconnect.php"); require("includes/functions.php");

$pagetitle = $_LANG['clientareatitle']; $pageicon = "images/support/clientarea.gif"; $breadcrumbnav=.$_LANG['globalsystemname'].;


if ($_SESSION['loggedinstatus']=="true") {

# User is Logged In - put any code you like here


# Define the template filename to be used without the .tpl extension

$templatefile = "homepage";

# To assign variables in Smarty use the following syntax. This can then be used as {$variablename} in the template

$smartyvalues["variablename"] = $value;

