
From WHMCS Documentation

Revision as of 16:44, 15 March 2011 by John (talk | contribs)

The SingleHop module allows for the management of dedicated servers provisioned through the Tandem Reseller Program via WHMCS. It represents a unique opportunity to automate server reselling tasks through a completely white label solution.

Supported Features

  • Suspend Server
  • Unsuspend Server
  • Reboot Server
  • View IP Addresses
  • Viewing historical bandwidth usage


The module files can be downloaded from *URL HERE* then simply upload to the /modules/servers/singlehop/ folder to install.


The first step is to create a Tandem user account in your LEAP control panel:

  1. Navigate to Leap > Tandem > Tandem Users and click Add New User.
  2. Fill in the Name, Email and Password fields to create the new user.
  3. Click Submit


Login to WHMCS and create your server product as normal, the four basic steps are:

  1. Begin by going to Setup > Products/Services
  2. Click the Create a New Product link
  3. Select VPS/Dedicated Server for the Product Type
  4. Choose the appropriate product group and give the product a name, then click Continue >>


  1. On the next screen that appears, all settings can be left at their defaults
  2. Next move to the Module Settings tab and select the Singlehop module from the dropdown menu. Server Group should be left at None.
  3. You will then see a screen like the one below where you should enter your LEAP Username and Password, the Tandem Username and Password you created above, and the API Key from the Accounts page in LEAP.


That's all there is to it. You can now work through the other tabs and enter the product description, pricing and other options as normal.

When a Server is Ordered

Automated provisioning is not possible via the API, so when a client orders a server you must in turn order the server via the LEAP control panel manually. Once the server is active you must give the Tandem user permission to manage it:

  1. Navigate to Leap > Tandem > Tandem Users and select the user in the left-hand pane.
  2. Click Add Server Permissions and tick the checkbox corresponding to the new server
  3. Click Apply Permissions


  1. Return to WHMCS and navigate to the client's products/services tab and select the dedicated server product.
  2. Select the new server from the SingleHop Servers List dropdown menu
  3. Upon clicking Save Changes the Hostname and Username fields will be populated automatically.

Admin Area Management Options

The admin area allows for the suspension, unsuspension of the server as well as remote reboots. Finally the Get Server IP button displays a list of IPs assigned to the server. The server Hostname & Username will also be displayed in the respective fields for the product.


Client Area Management Options

The client area with this module provides clients with the ability to view their server username in real time along with historical bandwidth usage data.




API Error: Authentication Error

This error message next to SingleHop Servers List on the client's products/services tab means the details entered under Setup > Products/Services > Edit > Module Settings tab are incorrect.

No Servers Listed

If no servers are listed in the SingleHop Servers List dropdown menu on the client's products/services tab, this indicates your Tandem User doesn't have permission for any servers. Refer to When a Server is Ordered.