Difference between revisions of "Order Form Templates Compatibility"

From WHMCS Documentation

(Created page with "The Modern order form has been given a refresh in Version 6.0 with improved styling and responsive behaviour. The Boxes order form template has also been given some updates....")
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Revision as of 15:42, 7 July 2015

The Modern order form has been given a refresh in Version 6.0 with improved styling and responsive behaviour.

The Boxes order form template has also been given some updates.

Both of these order form templates now require the latest version of bootstrap to be loaded via your client area template to display as intended. The Six client area template theme does this by default.

For older client area themes which do not have Bootstrap available, we recommend using one of the other order form templates. Similarly, for the new six theme, and custom themes that do include Bootstrap, we recommend using one of the two order forms that have updated above.

We will be releasing a number of new order form styles that take full advantage of the new client area styling over the coming months.