Module Queue

From WHMCS Documentation

This page describes a feature available in version 7.1 and above.

The module queue lists and allows quick retry of failed automated actions. An automated action is one that is not manually initiated from the Service or Domain views by clicking a button.

You can access this feature at Utilities > Module Queue.

What is the Module Queue for?

The queue will allow individual retries and dismissals of errors or a mass retry of all issues in the list.

What information is on the Module Queue?

The entries display the client name, package name, and associated domain. It also lists the completed action, latest error, and last attempt time.

Module queue.png

What happens after a retry?

A retry, dismissal, or mass retry will provide updated information, without a page reload, to provide information for the latest retry, or a success message, as appropriate.

Module queue retried.png

What if I fix the item directly?

A retry directly on the service or domain for a queue item from the appropriate admin page will mark the attempt as complete if the action is subsequently successful. It will no longer appear in the queue list.