Changelog:WHMCS V8.0.0 GA

From WHMCS Documentation

Version 8.0.0 Release Notes


CORE-14770 - Correct renewal invoice regeneration following product upgrade
CORE-15135 - Ensure IDN subdomain is properly transcoded when specified during the product ordering process
CORE-15174 - Ensure Stock Control does not display negative in Cart
CORE-15232 - Correct aggregation of clients with active product addons for automated status changes
CORE-15263 - Prevent spurious error in Stripe ACH and SEPA callbacks
CORE-15287 - Fix text display in Digicert modal
CORE-15297 - Improve handling of orphaned Service Addons
CORE-15298 - Enforce unique email address in AddClient API
CORE-15319 - Improve error messages for IDN lookup when system IDN is disabled
CORE-15324 - Ensure Tax ID field retains data on checkout page when reloading due to error
CORE-15326 - Validate email retrieved from server in Server Sync Tool
CORE-15349 - Allow guest to view opened ticket following form submission
CORE-15351 - Ensure cart redirect is available for Users without Accounts
CORE-15359 - Prevent error when creating existing user quote with predefined product
CORE-15361 - Correct image links on OX App Suite landing page
CORE-15373 - Correct Spotlight TLD display for IDN domain searches
    Also known as: CORE-15370
CORE-15384 - Ensure Price Overrides made during Admin Orders are Honored
CORE-15397 - Rectify invalid MarketConnect slug generation


MODULE-7508 - Reduce recipients to prevent spurious error with SendGrid
CORE-15237 - Correct template usage for bank payment gateways

Project Management Addon

PMA-176 - Ensure Client can be associated with a New Project
PMA-179 - Prevent edit of billed time tracker
    Also known as: ADDON-6126
PMA-180 - Prevent negative time tracking entry
    Also known as: ADDON-6125


CORE-15308 - Remove reference to non-functional GetClientPassword API
CORE-15313 - Include payment method in response for GetClientsAddons API


CORE-15208 - Update Hebrew Admin translation
CORE-15212 - Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
CORE-15223 - Update Hungarian translations
CORE-15383 - Update Spanish translation