Changelog:WHMCS V7.8.3

From WHMCS Documentation

Version 7.8.3 Release Notes


CORE-7197 (#4467) - Allow remote bank account payments to be captured via cron
CORE-13180 - Prevent erroneous failure message on no records are changed when using Bulk Pricing Updater
CORE-13270 - Correct date grouping for Affiliate Hits report
CORE-13335 - Utilize best symbols for password generation respective of Plesk provisioning
CORE-13364 - Improve report queries for MySQL v8 date syntax
CORE-13377 - Ensure tax is applied to billable items when set to "Add to users next invoice"
CORE-13474 - Improve handling of WHOIS server response timeout
CORE-13491 - Utilize Bootstrap datepicker over jQuery UI for Automation status
CORE-13512 - Ensure hidden config options honored when recalcuating via UpdateClientProduct
CORE-13546 - Ensure promo code with defined billing cycle is applied to product addons
    Also known as: CORE-13604
CORE-13547 - Correct CentovaCast hostname configuration
CORE-13555 - Correct spelling for Araba/Álava
CORE-13558 - Delete all translations of Email Templates on deletion of template
CORE-13584 - Prevent duplicate attachments when invoking AddTicketNote during TicketOpen hook
CORE-13609 - Ensure periodic Activity Log pruning occurs
CORE-13717 - Ensure cPanel Product Name is checked for username in Sync
CORE-13718 - Improve email verification post-login
CORE-13721 - Prevent fatal when attempting to load former password reset path
CORE-13724 - Ensure Overage Billing is enabled before processing
CORE-13725 - Ensure correct language strings used in Tax Rules UI
CORE-13728 - Correct CC Recipients form for client area
CORE-13730 - Correct captcha display logic for new Password Reset template
CORE-13732 - Ensure remote bank account gateways can be captured
    Also known as: MODULE-7126
CORE-13733 - Improving handling for token gateways' post-auth workflow respective to payment by credit
    Also known as: MODULE-7117
CORE-13734 - Inspect encrypted card data for bogus values prior to migration
CORE-13735 - Allow deleting of remote paymethod local reference when remote delete fails
CORE-13738 - Ensure hidden on order form Product Addons are available for purchase after order
CORE-13739 - Improve browser compatibility of input type for CVV field
CORE-13749 - Ensure mailbox is not empty before invoking POP search functionality
CORE-13751 - Correct display of IP in Client Activity widget
CORE-13753 - Ensure PayMethod is associated with invoice on Invoice Email Send
CORE-13759 - Correct invoice calculation for due amounts with multiple payments

Project Management Addon

PMA-90 - Provide option to Apply Tax on invoices from Billing Timers
    Also known as: PMA-93
PMA-102 - Correct Week and Weeks language strings
    Also known as: ADDON-6009
PMA-105 - Improve queries to avoid mismatch collation issues
    Also known as: ADDON-6012
PMA-110 - Allow task list to be sorted
    Also known as: ADDON-5958
PMA-111 - Show uploaded date of PMA attachments in client area
PMA-116 - Provide more accurate description of timer durations
PMA-129 - Ensure Import Tasks button is enabled/disabled appropriately
PMA-130 - Remove support for custom status color of PMA projects
PMA-134 - Ensure project log updated when adding timer entry
PMA-140 - Correct entity rendering on add new task
    Also known as: ADDON-6029
PMA-146 - Improve view of Due Date editing on Project Management Details
PMA-147 - Add dates to Project Management Project Time Logs report
PMA-150 - Implement ability to delete task templates


MODULE-7110 - Ensure client area Add PayMethod ignores hidden gateways
MODULE-7111 - Prevent error when updating pay method for eWay Tokens in admin area
MODULE-7113 - Correct input validation for Accpet.js
MODULE-7114 - Ensure Payment Intent Description is passed to Stripe
MODULE-7122 - Prevent cron fatal error when processing Stripe with missing data


CORE-13451 - Prevent double invocation of ClientAdd hook when runing AddClient via local API
CORE-13744 - Ensure GetPayMethods returns all pay method types